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Anthony Nelson, Jr

Special Guest Instructor

Anthony Nelson, Jr. is a Saxophonist and woodwind specialist who has consciously not tied himself down to any one sphere of influence. He has an ability to float in and out of genres and has thus appeared with a wide array of phenomenal figures and productions.

Nelson’s credit list includes such powerhouse artists as Billy Hart, John Hicks, Don Braden, the Ojays, the Duke Ellington Orchestra, Faith Evans, the Ray Charles Orchestra, Henry McKenzie Davis, James Weidman, Ralph Peterson, the Count Basie Orchestra and the Cab Calloway Orchestra, Cecil Brooks III and T.S. Monk, and Steve Turre to name a few.  His debut solo CD, "Testament: Live At Cecil's", stayed on the JazzWeek charts for 10 weeks.

Nelson has since released two more critically accl aimed recordings; "Tenor For Two" and "Live @ Twins Jazz".  In addition to Nelson's many accomplishments as a musician, he also is the Artistic Director of the Shiloh Baptist Church "Jazz In the Sanctuary" Series, a jazz vespers presented in concert form.  He is also a dedicated educator vowing to “give back” while honoring the teachers and mentors he has encountered in his own career.

Anthony Nelson, Jr
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